Mosquitoes are present in Arizona anytime the temperatures rise above 50 degrees, and are especially active when temps are in the 80’s and above. There are some things you can do to make your yard less inviting to these annoying insects, both before and after they hatch.

Eliminate Mosquito Breeding Grounds.

We’ve all heard that standing water is a magnet for mosquitoes, and you’ve scanned the yard to remove any obvious culprits. But some areas where mosquitoes can breed are easily missed. Some examples include:

Water Sources You Want to Keep.

What about the bodies of water we can’t- or don’t want to- eliminate? There are many types of water sources that we have in our yards which make the environment more enjoyable for us. Below are some types and how to maintain them to reduce mosquitoes.

Reduce Mosquito Resting Places.

Now that we’ve made it more difficult for mosquitoes to breed, let’s look at ways to make it less comfortable for them to relax. Mosquitoes need shade and shelter to get out of the mid-day heat and sun. Reducing the number of shady places for them to rest will help keep them out of your yard.

Adjust Your Outdoor Living Spaces.

Some helpful changes are simple things you can do around your patio area that discourage any mosquitoes that are present from invading your space.

Make Yourself Less Attractive.

Of course, we don’t mean that how it sounded. We mean, make yourself less attractive to mosquitoes. There are several easy ways to do that, without compromising your looks.

Call In the Pros.

Sometimes the problem is bigger than you can handle on your own. If you’re experiencing mosquito issues beyond your control, Happy Bees Pest Control can help. Click here or call 602-529-8797 today for a free quote.